Thank you. I very much enjoyed the read.

A goal of overcoming a sense of insecurity and not being vocal with my words was overcome (a little) when the fear of responding to someone, who in my mind may be so much smarter and realistic in setting and achieving goals was shelved.

Small stepe to complete the whole project.

Not word for word what you wrote, but if I scrolled back "analysis paralysis" could have reared her (or his) head and I wouldn't have been able to show my appreciation.

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Jesse thank you for putting words to your insights & giving out hope. Along with Liz Gilberts letters from love practice, your practice of saying your goals out loud presently achieved, feels like some kind of lifeline. Such great advice to start from somewhere not everywhere 🤣 We, of the still humane & peaceloving people, have the power ✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻 of love on our side.

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Thank you, Jesse. This is a wonderful and thoughtful call to action, with a single step, and through this community which you are helping to build for us. I really like your emphasis on the present tense. We go on.

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This seems very interesting. I often feel paralysed and I often procrastinate. This could be a useful practised to unstuck myself. Thank you very very much for sharing it!

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Wow Jesse (and Welcome Back) so much here I agree with and, much as I am loathed to quote myself, I knew you would be okay with it since our thoughts were somewhat similar in the opening of both our Substacks (posted within a day of each other).

Last night I opened with...

"Sometimes I feel like a lost child, even as I approach 63. Especially in the harsh, often unfathomable reality of the world we are living in right now. It is easy to feel powerless and to question the inability some people have to see what is really happening. Some are filled with what appears to be a manic hatred of things they do not understand and the disturbing joy that is being exhibited in the face of absurdity is more than just a little alarming.

So what is there to do in the face of such rampant insanity? We must keep working on our cherished projects, nurture our goals, and, as in the title of a movie from the old British comedy film series, ‘Carry on Regardless’."

So yes, these are very difficult times and I oscillate between fear and anger on a daily basis, but what can we do but keep on doing what we do, regardless.

To the goal setting/achieving I TOTALLY AGREE and what's more I have done it in my own life several times! When I was an aspiring music journalist in a little fishing village in Scotland, I dreamed of writing for the 'big papers and mags' in London. In fact, it was more than dreaming. I believed strongly I had already done it. I told everyone I was DOING it. Then one day, not that many years later...I did it. I was there!

What joy I had last week when I managed to secure a copy of one of those old music magazines in which I interviewed Bob Geldof on the subject of Band Aid. The cover date was April 1985. I was 23 at the time and I had more than achieved my goal.

Relocating to NYC was done in a similar manner. IT WORKS!

This has been far too long a reply but in drastic summary I would say it's all possible and thank you for putting it down here so everyone can benefit from the magic.

Wishing you and everyone here, happiness and success:)

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I don't know where I first heard this, but I use it often these days. "Fear may come in and sit at my table, but I do not have to feed it."

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Was just my birthday a few days ago. 58 is okay so far. Week or so ago met up with my sister to see a museum in town. It was somewhere neither of us had been. It was exciting to plan and see together with her. We are peas and carrots you see. We communicate without words. That was recharging.

Cared for my tropical plants I over winter in my Minnesota basement. They are my babies that supply me joy year round.

Lunch date with my partner of 40 years. He feeds my life with what it needs and I try to do the same for him. Support for each other can be trying but usually there is an ease to it.

Family birthday dinner for January at a new restaurant. Family time to laugh and show love and support. The love for my people is deep and strong.

Planet parade. Look at this once in a lifetime event. It is something to see and feel.

Love peace strength courage hugs support laughs holding space

Take and give what you can and need 🥰💕😘⭐️🪐🙌

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When I came to the “Takeaways” at the end- I automatically flipped them into present tense. Thank you

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Yes, yes, I needed to read this! Ready to go this year, going to be, being :)

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I didn’t wait until this past week to unplug. The day after the election was it for me. Withdrew my New Yorker subscription as well as The Sun. Pulled the plug on Heather Cox Richardson. I’m done with it. I’ve been “informed” my entire life and what has it gotten me? Anger, disgust, anxiety. They’ll no longer live rent-free in my head, as the saying goes. Much better to spend my time reading, listening to music, and making art.

Not too long ago a friend of mine said something to the effect of “the idea of the U.S. is circling the drain.” Sadly, I have to agree.

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And sadly, It is being orchestrated. A minister who was my mentor said they were trying to breed the souls out of people (now the transhumanism). I am a Christian, writer, animal rights activist and long time fan of Patti. Jesse's depth and substance is also inspiring, and I don't want to be "Debbie downer", but I am sharing this: :Four years ago I heard Narc Survivor on YouTube say he was being gangstalked. I assumed he was paranoid/mentally ill. Since then, I've met people in the U.S. who are experiencing this and seen tons of online documentation, including the site Targeted Justice, revealing an unfathomable network of corruption. (A rogue element of our gov iartificially padding the "watchlist" for budget expansion and then

harrassing those people, Stasi -

style, such as the parents that opposed the school board and were listed as domestic terrorists ). I know that God and good is the greater power, Jesus Christ the greatest shield, but there are things happening in this country that we never dreamed could happen and that we should be aware of.

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God and good are the stronger power, but we still need to be aware of what's going on.

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Je ne comprends plus rien à ce monde…

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Let us stay then with the things that we do understand and build on that which we know

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Heightened shifts to save the planet, save humanity, save beauty- finding the god voices within and believe we collectively have the power to overcome and replace evil with love. I’ve seen it happen throughout my lifetime- I’ve watched hundreds of friends die from a virus while many judged or did nothing but collectively we came together to educate, to fight evil, to show compassion. Reactionary political times require all of us to maintain self healing but also to form collective movements of healing our planet and finding alternative ways to foster peace and love.; to overcome greed and disrespect. To use our voices and bodies to demand justice. One great teacher I admire from my youthful fight to end nuclear proliferation and war is Dr. Helen Caldicott who ended one of her lectures with this:

“We’re the curators of life on earth, we hold it on the palm of our hand, and it’s up to us, you and I, to decide whether it continues. And I believe in the goodness of people. I believe in the God within. And I know that if you make the right decision, each one of you can be as powerful as the most powerful person who ever lived. And that’s your mandate. And that’s why you were born.”

Thank you Jesse for reminding us all to set positive goals, to allow ourselves to feel every emotion we have, and to engage with others- and I would add to try and connect with non- human species as well- they can teach us so much as well. Respect all living things. In a few days we enter the Year of the Wood Snake which I am one. May its energy inspire creativity, wisdom, and inner resilience for all of us. 🐍

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Thank you Jesse for your kind and generous post

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Exciting! I have my list right now, too, and I can feel the shift to making my goals present-tense! I'm already so much less overwhelmed by the immensity of my projects! I also love the reminder that the steps will be revealed when we take action and that we have to start from somewhere, not everywhere. This month I already created job security for myself and filed my divorce papers... Now I am ready to do WAAAAYYY too many "from everywhere" things - start a new band, write a massive children's series of comics (and no, I don't illustrate!), have more children, fall in love, work on my house, sew some sweet activist jackets, begin my Ukrainian Egging season, resume training for a black belt in karate... LOL!!!! I think my action today is just journal a list and find one or two goals and make them present tense. Thank you, Jesse!

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Ahhh, this is all so exciting!!! So much ahead!!! Yesss I agree with you, some journaling, brainstorming, meditating... then refining and then leading to the next step and letting all of your passions inform each other. I wonder if you've imagined any/all of the things you listed as connecting with each other? Thank you so much for sharing!!

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🥰I love imagining that! Some yet-unknown connection must exist! And I know it does because already some things that seem so distant have come together. I'm the queen of gestational patience! So we will just see. The intentionality of holding things as you described today feels just so right for this moment. *Brews Tea* *Picks Notebook*

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I agree, connections exist and reveal themselves in the most unpredictable ways. Patience is also a virtue - though one I am not the best at displaying:)

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I write, draw, enjoy satire, walk briskly, relish the embraces of those who are dear to me ...

and am very inspired and positively encouraged by your words, Jesse Paris Smith!

Thank you for bringing warm, bright light to so many who struggle to escape the darkness.

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Thank you so much, Jess!

Though we live in Northern Maine there’s a sort of “Old South” mentality! I’ve been going through a string of events with family, friendships and without a doubt the fear associated with this evil. Evil political leaders are elected by evil voters. When I become fearful I then become angry. If I don’t reach out to trusted people and practice some spiritual principles I will become just like those I loathe. I have my moments but I can always get back on track to clarity and peace. 👍🏻❤️🙏🏻

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How ironic is it that when I looked for the link I knew existed between fear and anger the first article that popped up was based on the current political situation.

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I’d never heard anybody use “old south mentality” to describe parts of the state but it’s absolutely true. We’re down here just above mid-coast (read: Acadia) and there’s a lot of that. Just up the road from me somebody bought up a chunk of land, nothing on it, but on a tree they installed “Don’t Tread On Me” and “Come And Get Them” (w/AK-47 logo) flags. It’s gettin’ weird out there.

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