This is so beautiful, loving, and wise. Thank you, Jesse.

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Das ist eine wunderschöne Geschichte über Musik, Liebe und das Leben. Dein Klavierspiel ist sehr schön, glasklar. Und in Harmonie mit der Stimme deiner Mutter. Atemberaubend schön. Danke. Amen.

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Beautiful - I loved visualizing that experience of you and your mom. When I think about performance anxiety it just makes me think that I care too much, I love music so much that I as a mere human can never do it true justice.

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Thank you, Jesse, such a wonderful story. I was there at your first live performance at the Free Library in Philadelphia! I remember it so well. You have certainly grown into a talented, beautiful, confident and compassionate young woman, and I enjoy these glimpses into the events that have made you who you are.

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What a wonderful story. I’ve listened to that album so many times and never knew that was you. Trampin’ (the album) holds a most special place in my heart. I heard Peaceable Kingdom on satellite radio when it was released and it floored me. But it was a busy time in my life and I forgot about it until that song popped in my mind around 2020. The album is one of my favorites of anyone and connects to me deeply. I once had to pull over to the side of the road to weep listening to Cash after my brother died. I can’t put sufficient words to what the entire album means to me. It brought me to Patti and now I learn, to you. For what it’s worth, I just assumed it was Tony Shanahan playing the piano. Tempo and all! Well done. The pen will appear if it’s needed!

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After reading the post, I have finally listened to the recording…so lovely. Felt like a prayer, which, after thinking of spirituals, I suppose it was. You are a most gifted artist with your own unique way of presenting yourself and your art, whether it be with keyboard, ukulele, poetry, prose, or your always striking style of dress. It’s both a privilege and a joy to be a recipient of all you share here in your writing, or at the many events and gatherings that you participate in. Kudos to you, Jesse, for being and sharing the wonders that are you! 💕💕

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Loved Trampin with you !


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such a lovely story of your struggles to learn piano and what a successful rendering with your mom on Trampin'! thanks so much for sharing this part of your life!

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Beautifully expressed exploration of the vulnerability of performance and musicianship, and also those treasures that even when lost can bring you back to a moment and a feeling …

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Thank you for sharing this story! I love what you say about when people in take art, that they are only taking in a sliver of the experience, and also sharing your journey to understand your musicians' mind. I have all of your mom's records and I think that "Trampin'" is one of her strongest. I always love seeing you and Jackson on stage as a family.

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You were great! It's too bad you didn't keep playing. It's never too late.

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Didn’t keep playing!! Holy goodness, piano and music , composing recording performing has been my main career 20 years and going strong!! ♥️♥️♥️😅😅😅

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So beautiful. Thank you.

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This is beautiful, Jesse. Thank you 🙏🏼❤️

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A lovely story, thank you for sharing. I love the song and album. I have a vivid memory of listening to it in the Denver airport on my Walkman CD player. I was contemplating a move from the NYC metro to Colorado and life felt very up in the air, perfect feeling for an airport actually. The album felt very dreamlike as I listened while watching people pass by, everyone going somewhere, myself as well, all of us making plans, living life, trampin on.

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Oh those simple chords at the end...you can and should be proud of yourself for that simply beautiful rendition. That it was you and your mom made it even more moving. Though I prefer Patti's vocals on this - giving the old spiritual a different feel, I could imagine Marion Anderson's voice beside your piano. For the music and the story of the music, and all the accompanying thoughts generously shared - thank you.

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