Yesterday was Earth Day, and we gathered together in the Elizabeth Street Garden for an evening of music, poetry, and honoring of the Earth. So many people showed up! A warm hearted crowd - patient and peaceful. I was so happy to host our group of readers and musicians, everyone sharing poems inspired by and connected to nature.
I wanted to read one piece of my own, but the wind had blown my pages off the music stand, and without knowing the order or being able to decipher it quickly, we played a song instead. It worked out nicely after all, and I told the crowd I would share a recording of these words, in case anyone would like to know what the papers had said.
So here they are now, a morning reflection from April 23, 2014. That year Arbor Day was on April 24, so with this day between that and Earth Day, it felt like a day somehow suspended in time, allowing for the integration of new thoughts, to plant new seeds for action and compassion. An ordinary day in the cycle of life.
APRIL, 2014
April as this time is called
is also known as
Poetry Month and Earth Month.
Today is April 23,
An ordinary day
nestled between Earth Day and Arbor Day,
And in a busy city mid the river streams,
we celebrate
Nature and verse,
under the umbrella of
Poetry Month and Earth Month
may seem to be themes in distance,
but they partner up so effortlessly,
and it seems a bit ideal that April would be
the month deemed the one for Poetry.
With the coming of Spring,
the planet quietly jubilates in
a time of awakening and new ideas.
This cycle lives deeply within you and me,
A ritual for all living things,
reminding us how interconnected we always are.
New life of chlorophyll emerges
from the limbs of the world's trees
as new oxygen cools the air –
roots have been mingling below the floor
and give us their first signs of green
What is the root of the word? Where did it stem from?
leaves who have died are memorialized
by the growth of new ones in their place
animals emerge from their hibernation,
almost ready to begin afresh
the groundwork and foundation ever evolving
ever cycling, again and again
it never stops, nothing ever truly stops -
and though we may not have slept through all of winter
It can often be agreed
it would be difficult not to excite
in the blossoming of returning flowers
or the sun's warm brightness returning to the eyelids
It's good to be reawakened in the arrival of spring
inspiration renewed
body recharged
a shedding of layers
new hope, new energy, new ideas,
A buzzing commotion emanates from the land
breathes electric life into the body of each living thing
the sun and rainfall feeding
the vibration resonating
shared in the songs of spring birds
and the delicate hum of an azalea in bloom
the harmony of all life
coexisting with the breath of the day
captured and channeled throughout the planet
admired and shared
by the human observer
through the great blessed gift of the word,
of the poem.
Our sacred channel
of cosmic and earthly delights.
So as the rain falls on the rooftop
on this spring night
and I find myself mesmerized by its chaotic
I am stirred with the memories of those we have
lost in the physical realm
who maybe would have loved to see one more Spring
or perhaps were agonized by the associations
and unplaceable nostalgia
of the season's change
pushed too far by the expectations of a sunny day
held captive pretending to mind the wind.
Nature moves in and out like the waves of the voice
the shore of the ocean
your breath and my blood
the mystic word impossible to hold
the gifts we cannot see.
Even when printed in a favorite book
The word will live solely mixing memory and desire
until you imagine a spring rain -
And the drops roll lowly on the page
the ancient ink starts to run towards itself
and so you can touch the intangible word
become one with its molecules
and ground the wildness of imagination.
Absolved from winter's darkness
coming into light
those of us who remain here feel the transformation,
revel and agonize in the transfiguration
of those who have departed
and we hold language like space
breathing words into the ether
clutching the page of the book
reciting the poem like oxygen
remembering a loved one
or a tree long since gone
and for a moment we can feel them within us
as though they never left.
Truly and without doubt
They never did.
so as we reside here today
Nestled together
under the umbrella of Spring,
let us be reminded
of the power of the world
and the power of the word.
April 23, 2014
Tens years later and I’m both sad and happy about where we are. Happy about what we’re doing, and sad like we all are about the state of our world. Gatherings like yesterday remind us though that we are all still here, that we all still care. <3
I walked outside tonight just to see the moon, and I couldn’t believe how bright and mighty it looked - like you could walk off the Earth and step onto it like a river stone. Did you get to see the moon? I’ll wish you a full moon in the Chat and you can share your pictures with me. :) Have a great night and have a great day, no matter what day you’re reading this, and no matter where you are. <3
Happy full moon Jesse, I went out and looked up after you called to tell me how beautiful it was. Thank you for sharing your April journal entry. Filled with life.
"Saw it written and I saw it say / Pink moon is on it's way." - Nick Drake Unless, like here in Detroit, there were clouds. So much fr "Pink moon's gonna get ye all."