Happy December and Happy New Moon, everyone!
I hope you had a nice holiday week. My mom and I had a mellow day and evening, hiding indoors from the rain. I got some curtains for my workspace windows, put together some wooden shelves for my desk, watched a show on my computer, and finished a project for you all!
I love to do creative projects on a cold fall or winter evening. With a cup of tea or hot cocoa and a comforting movie to watch. The other day it was particularly chilly, so I settled in for the evening and worked on a present for my paid subscribers - a set of custom greeting cards to use for the holiday season (or anytime). I finished them on Thanksgiving day!! They are being printed now and should arrive to me on December 4th. As soon as I have them, I will put the packages together and send them out to you ASAP. I’m so happy!! So if you haven’t already and you want to receive a set, please share your mailing address in the survey found in this post. This winter you will also receive a gift done in collaboration with my friends Kin Ship Goods, and another from Boxwalla. They’ve been ready to send these gifts to you, but I really wanted to send the first one myself, from me to you.
Thank you for your unbelievable patience - I told you all that I was going to be sending this mail back in late June, around my birthday, as I had planned on doing this when I first moved into my workspace. I signed the lease and got the keys July 1, but because of everything going on, mostly helping with the Elizabeth Street Garden, many plans and life things got put on hold, and it took a few months to move in and get fully settled. I’m very excited though because last week I finally brought in all the essential furniture, gear, and supplies. (Thank you to my friend Pascal who helped me transport boxes and heavy things on several trips with his car.) I still need a filing cabinet, more bookshelves, and searching for an area rug to make things cozy for winter, but it’s really coming along and I feel very thankful and excited. This is something I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember. A quiet place to think and compose and practice piano and write and study and work. I was feeling a little frustrated when it was taking so long to move in, but I realized that big things, huge things, can sometimes take extra time, and I’ve made myself wait so many years for this, I could definitely wait just a few months more. It’s a dream come true and just the beginning of this new chapter. <3
So again, please do send me your mailing addresses and please stay tuned. I will let you know when everything is on its way in the mail!! :D Oh, and if you haven’t already, please also fill out this survey about your availability for Zoom calls and workshops if you are interested. I will let you know when our first one will be. <3
Have a wonderful Sunday and start to December. A new month and a new moon, and very soon, a new season. It’s always nice to mark a fresh start. What are you looking forward to this week? This month? Share anything you like in the comments. <3
Tomorrow is our beloved Maria Callas’ birthday so I will close with a quote from her that I like very much and which I feel embodies the experience of process, any process:
“An opera begins long before the curtain goes up and ends long after it has come down. It starts in my imagination, it becomes my life, and it stays part of my life long after I've left the opera house.” - Maria Callas
Thank you, Maria. Thank you, everyone. <3
Happy new moon December Jess. This is so generous and fun. It motivated me to work all morning on my book. First day of my projected December streak. 🐎🐎🐎
It’s so exciting that your workspace is coming together. It still goes back to Virginia Wolfe and a room of one’s own.