To the tune of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" - Jesse in the Snow with Roses.

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Beautifully evocative post, Jesse, even for those of us who rarely see snow I expect. It’s been many years since I’ve experienced snow and my son has yet to, but he’d like to. One day… Until then, I think he’d enjoy your post, especially the Calvin-and-Hobbes … esque? Hobbesian? snowmen.

Thanks as always, Jesse!

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Fantastic! Took me right there. Love that sidewalk photo. So inviting. I wanted to walk on it. Snow in Mount Chase tonight. I can’t wait to see it in the middle of the night outside my bathroom window! One of the perks of being 66 years-young! Goodnight, my friend.


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I did the same kind of thing on that day... I didn't intend to do it, but I pulled out the snowblower and just kept clearing sidewalks one after the other. I finished one side of the road, crossed the street and did the other side. The snowblower was loud so people started looking out their windows at me, people I don't even know, smiling while watching me blow the snow off their sidewalks. When I finished I walked to the deli too, but I didn't buy roses - I bought beer.

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Last week, we got enough snow in Macon, Georgia, to shut things down for several days. I very grateful that I was able to stay safely at home through all of it.

My first memory of snow was the Blizzard of 78 in Dayton, Ohio; we had enough snow to make an igloo in the backyard.

We lived in California and Georgia after that; we very occasionally got a little snow in Georgia, which was fun. My family moved to Ohio my senior year of high school, and for a couple of years, I found the snow to be absolutely magical. I even saved some melted snow water in a small bottle, thinking it magical.

But after a couple of years, snow lost its charm. By February each year, I would be so sick of having to pay attention to where I put my feet when I walked. I missed being able to walk without fear of falling. Snow started to look like mold to me.

So we moved. And moved some more. And now that I’ve been in a place that I feel connected to for seven years now, I was delighted to discover last week that, once again, snow seems magical.

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Thank you for this which I sorely needed today as I sit reading the news and feel such a deep well of sadness within my heart.. I’m uplifted by your words and photos and inspired to get out in nature today and experience its gifts… I wish there was a lovely blanket of snow ❄️ for me to enjoy…

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I love snow! Exactly that crunching sound and the feeling that goes with it when walking over it that you recorded in the little video...

One of my favourite things to do is just walk through the snow. And then afterwards, in the evening once it's really dark go inside and cosy up with tea and candles...

It's quite a nostalgic thing whenever there is snow because there really was more of it when I was little (I'm German and grew up in the South... we used to have quite a bit of snow most winters then. Quite different now!) Also lots of snow usually meant a chance to go ice skating later on for us - once it all melts the river would flood and then once it was cold enough those flooded areas would freeze, that happened quite a lot when I was a kid :-)

So I live in the UK now and there is generally not a lot of snow here or nothing at all - I really miss that. As soon as it snows there is usually a little panic here.... ;-) (People are not used to it.)

Last November there suddenly was tons of snow in Germany - a bit like what you had in New York in 2021 I think! I missed it - I got to go over in December - it was a very wet and warm Christmas!!

Anyway, I love this post! The writing is beautiful, and the photos and little videos really make you feel like you're there and it's snowy outside right now... Also - I loved reading the background story from the roses photo!

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Happy February dear Jesse, I love snow so so much. In the place where I spent my childhood there was always plenty of snow in February. We built caves and castles out of snow and were outside all day. Where I live now, snow is rare. But two weeks ago I was able to ski and sled right behind the house. All the people were very happy, just like you saw in New York. Thanks for the fun photos and video of the snowball fight.

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Enjoyed this ❄️

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Whenever there is a heavy snow I feel as though the world has slowed to my pace, it’s the most extraordinary relief. I wish I’d been in NYC that Winter ❄️🤍

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Hello Jesse,

I found your SS after reading about it in your mum's effusively loving recommendation.

If you are travelling with her to the Dublin gig this Spring I'd love to host you on a visit to Oscar Wilde's home and The Book of Kells in Trinity College. Two of the most evocative and inspiring places for the creative soul.

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I noticed that New York generally gets snow a day or two before us here in Liverpool UK, I know we also get snow from the East, but have been following this pattern for many years, and if I hear of snow in NY I get excited thinking we might get some. Its all so lovely crisp and white and still and I agree appears to make people playful and happy, and when others moan of commercial inconvenience I delight in wonder. Well done for giving your self roses, and thank you for the story behind this page in 'A book of Days' which I read daily last year, I know I didn't finish it, but not where it is now, must ask Antony!!! I actually have The 'Year of The Monkey' on my shelf waiting to be read.

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Beautiful writing about snow. We had a snow and ice storm a few weeks ago here in Oregon. Isn’t it amazing to realize that each snowflake is unique and beautiful? This morning we have blue skies and a Bald Eagle was soaring overhead. I hope that brings everyone good energy!

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Magical! X

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Thank you Jesse for the magical photos and lovely snow writing! I used to dislike snow and now when I have come to like it we do not have it anymore. At least not in such quantity. We used to have very snowy winters in the north of England but sadly this is not the case anymore, well not in the city at least.

I love the magic of falling snowflakes especially in the night in the warm light of street lamps while I'm snuggled under a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. However a morning walk in a still fresh, undisturbed layer of fluffy whiteness is also great.

I wish I still could enjoy that some day...

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Whose woods these are I think I know.

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.

The only other sound’s the sweep

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost’s - “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”

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