How lovely to be involved in antiquarain books...such a precious art..

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I am adding another comment to this post....just because:) And the just because is the fact that I have now been to the fair three days in a row and am likely to make it a fourth as I might introduce another friend to it. The overwhelming impression for this first timer is that it is SUCH a friendly and welcoming place. By day two people were calling me by my name! I do not have the money, or right now the knowledge, to make purchases but it is a great place to learn. It really is the "judgement free zone" (sorry planet fitness) of the literary world. Thank you a thousand times for introducing it to me!

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Thank you, Jesse! I live close to NYC (I live by Sandy Hook, NJ, only a boat ride away) but sadly am unable to attend this weekend sue to obligations. :( I want to put this on my calendar for next year though, for sure. I have a deep affection for book fairs. Some of my best and earliest memories are or perusing used book stores and book fairs with my father, which he loved beyond measure. No matter where we went, we had to seek out book fairs and used book stores and spend at least an hour walking through the aisles, like explorers hunting for treasure. The smell of musty old books, the thrill of paging through old books marked up by previous owners, has never left me and always makes me think of my father. ❤️

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Thanks Jesse, what a cultural treasure! Wonderful and amazing. A big hug 😻

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Fantastic outfit!!!

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Apr 4Edited

Congratulations, Jesse! Happy reading.

I'll be there in spirit this year, and hopefully I'll be there holistically next year.

Patti on the bench is my favorite photograph. It captures her essence well. The name of the photographer escapes me at the moment. I remember I like their art very much.

Wishing you a glorious day of magical moments.

🍐 for a 🍑

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Sounds like you have a brilliant few days ahead Jesse ! Have a wonderful time ! With you in spirit from across the ocean ! 📕❤️

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blessings and best wishes to y'all the Book Fair. May all your endeavors register brilliantly.

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Thank you, Jesse, for being an excellent Ambassador. It’s so good of you to make us aware of this from further afield and even around the world. I hope you’ll continue to write to us about the antiquarian book fair.

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Dear Jesse,

Thank you for this lovely, welcoming invitation. You are already a wonderful Ambassador and the book fair has barely started.

As happy as I am to see and read about this, it’s bittersweet, because the antiquarian book fair is among my favorite events in the city - or anywhere. I look forward to it all year and have loved every one I’ve attended.

For health reasons, I can’t now attend, and I’m sorrier for that than I can say. I try not to be disappointed by what I can’t do because I have so much gratitude for all that I have, but missing this does make me sad.

That notwithstanding, I’m happy to read about it from you and to see whatever photos you share herein. The Armory is very close to where I live so hopefully, I will get strong antiquarian vibes.

Wishing you and everyone who attends a wonderful experience.

As ever,


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I always look forward to your comments, Robin. I admire you for having gratitude for the things you were able to do. Memories are gold as we age. Thank you!

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Thank you, Cheryl. I’m grateful too, for the things I’m still able to do. There is a line from the play, “Rosencrantz and Guildesntern are Dead” (yes, those are the characters from Hamlet) that says: “It doesn’t take much to make a jingle; even a single coin has music in it.” That pretty much sums up how I feel. I can find the music pretty much everywhere, even if I can’t use all the instruments I once could . . .

Warm wishes to you, Cheryl,


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Love all of this! Sending all my support and love. Say hello to all the book spirits and magical pages for me. 📚🎞️✉️

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Yay I am in California and wishing to be at the book fair!! You are a wonderful choice! Viviane

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Looking forward to checking it out tonight:)

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This looks wonderful! Have a great time!

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This old New Yorker cannot be there to enjoy the amazing treasures available at the fair. Definitely will be there in spirit. By the way, you look absolutely beautiful in your pictures. Have so much fun! May it be the best fair ever.

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Thank you for sharing, Jesse! 🤗 I will join in spirit! Wishing you all the best 📚💖

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